Welcome to GLFx!

GLFx is the new digital platform for the Global Landscapes Forum community. GLFx is dedicated to passionate people who are working to accelerate action towards more sustainable, integrated landscape management. GLFx is designed to enable and assist community members with the connections, knowledge and technology to connect, share, learn and act online and in person. From hosting events in your landscape, town or city to joining online communities of practice, thank you for being a part of the community!


Our vision

To create a world where people and nature can thrive in healthy, prosperous, resilient and sustainable landscapes.

Our mission

To promote the landscape approach and provide local communities with the necessary tools, knowledge, and networks to connect, share, learn, and act in their local landscapes.

Our values

  • Inclusion
  • Equity
  • Collaboration
  • Inspiration


GLFx community news


Join the GLFx platform

And pick your journey, or combine.

Connect with the passionate global GLFx community
Browse news and the live feed; and post updates or trips.
Network & connect with other members
Join or start a GLFx chapter near you
Meet regularly in your landscape
Tackle local sustainability issues in chapter projects
Join an online Community of Practice
Learn from experts in the field & share knowledge
Attend online meetups, discussion forums and collaborate with CoP members

Start a Chapter!

Learn More

With GLFx, you can:


Change requires trusting relationships, collaboration and a willingness to listen to different perspectives. Use the GLFx platform to connect with other changemakers like you.


Knowledge is most powerful when shared. We aim to share knowledge in an inclusive and participatory way, generating innovative solutions. Share online or in person with the GLFx community.


Learning is a lifelong, ongoing process. We promote learning across disciplines, sectors and generations to increase the impact of work towards sustainable and integrated landscapes.


We are a community full of inspiring people like you. The global change needed requires action by everyone, at every level, from grassroots change agents to political decision makers.


Where GLFx members live